Disabled folks who have by default a non-existent to low quality of life? Check.

Disabled characters being a burden to loved ones? Check.

Magical cures? Check.

2024’s Night Swim is a layer cake of the disability tropes we know and love, so Nichole channels her simmering rage to give a refresher on some of them (since we circle them frequently here on the pod).

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Want to share your thoughts on Night Swim or suggest a film to cover? Reach out to Nichole:

  • Twitter at @BodiesHorror
  • Insta: bodiesofhorrorpodcast
  • BlueSky: bodiesofhorror
  • Email: bodiesofhorror@gmail.com

Intro and outro music is “The Wind Frazzled Your Long Brown Hair” by Flashback81. Follow them on Twitter: @81flashback

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