Dissecting the things that go bump in the night.


Do you like scary movies? 

Horror fans seek out films and stories that evoke lingering unease, whether through thought-provoking and unsettling questions or through imagery that worms its way deeply into our minds and won’t let go, no matter how hard we try to forget it.

Horror films are so fascinating because of what they can tell us about ourselves and our society.

What frightens us? What provokes visceral reactions? What makes our skin crawl? What do our reactions to various stimuli or concepts say about us, both as individuals and as a culture?

With fear and disgust being two of the most basic instincts in the human emotional range, horror can be one of the most complex and interesting genres. It’s a genre that also lends itself well to metaphor—a film may be accepted at face value or examined for its social commentary.

AOAS examines horror using a feminist, queer-positive perspective. Our writers combine a blend of academic backgrounds and horror fandom—and we love to get pitches! Reach out via our contact form, hang out with us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @aoas_xx!